Play Roundnet


You've got a kit now join the movement!

We want to make sure you know how to take your game to the next level and help us grow Roundnet in Australia. 

As an emerging sport we want to assist players like you to join, form and grow Roundnet communities wherever you live.

You'll find more information about how to do that here and when you need some help from us, just ask!

Team Up!

Grab a mate and start practicing to dominate the next pickup game. Oh and start brainstorming a team name and matching uniforms because when you hit the big leagues this will be a great part of your "humble beginnings" story.

Find Your Neighbourhood Friends

Find people like you on one of our Facebook groups. We have set one up for each state and territory in Australia. If yours is a little quiet...jump in and make some noise. Rally some friends and invite everyone to come along for a hit.

Win a Tournament

Tournaments are back!

Time to make your mark on this sport? Time to take your place in the pages of history? Time to walk up the podium* to your rightful place?

Sign up, rock up and chalk up a win.

*BYO podium

Tournament time

Your Roundnet Community

Roundnet is still an emerging sport in Australia so your community might not be as busy as the local footy club, but that's okay because we're the pioneers!

You'll see a bunch of ways you can start to connect with players below. Make sure you like, follow, subscribe, join and download. Soon enough people will be asking you how to connect in.

Find and join us on Facebook

Click your state logo below and and join the group. Meet new players, host a pickup game and get active!